I would like to share with you how much Dr. Yalamanchi helped us out again this past Saturday. I had a 22 year-old man with a full-thickness laceration through the distal right nare, extending approximately 3 cm proximally. This occurred from a dog bite and was potentially disfiguring. Dr. Yalamanchi was not on-call, but came in and repaired this young man’s face for us. This is the third time in as many months that Dr. Yalamanchi assisted us with a complex wound repair or hand injury; the previous two were a 20 year-old woman with a significant dog bite to the ear (involving cartilage) and the other was an elderly gentleman with a tendon laceration.
I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge Dr. Yalamanchi as a physician champion and friend of the Emergency Department here @ NWMC. His skill and compassion are tremendous assets to our facility and community. Thank you.